Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Welcome to Candy Town. Sweet Paradise in the middle of the pacific, far away from all your troubles where you can have an amazing time. Explore our website, and we hope to see you in Candy Town!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mass Media/ Communication in Candy Town

 Need to tweet out your latest beach picture, and Instagram your gym workout? No problem. Here at Candy Town, every gets FREE WIFI. Just like South Korea, no need to worry about those pesky bills, just sign into the free public wifi and enjoy your day!

Health/Medicare in Candy Town

The healthcare in Candy Town is the same price as it is in Finland: Free. In paradise, free healthcare, means that you won't have to worry about your health, and worry more about having fun. "But Mr. President, won't all the candy give you diabetes" -Health Nut from SportTopia that overreacted. Why, I see your concerns, however, only one percent of people in our country suffer from diabetes because we are still normal people. Everyone doesn't just eat all day, and we still do have vegetables and all that.

Law and Order in Candy Town

Our rule book is similar to that of any other country. Basically, act correctly, don't act stupid, don't run over little children. If you wouldn't do it in your home country, don't do it here. Our police force is small, but that's because in paradise, there's no need for a large force, because there's no crime.

Privacy in Candy Town

I mean, you control what you do, but in general, we aren't going to share your search history with the world. Our country is pretty private, but we do accept all forms of life (including....the SportTopians *gasp*)

Family in Candy Town

Well, family is pretty normal here. No candy-puns involved. You won't have any sour patch kids or anything of the like. No seriously. Every family here is just calm and peaceful, however do be careful, because your kid could get the biggest sugar high they've ever gotten.

Image result for sour patch kids

Transportation in Candy Town

We have some of the finest taxis and cars and vehicles that never breakdown because the wheels are made of jawbreakers. With the wheels that will break your teeth before they break themselves, not only are our cars the best, they also last the longest. Our fuel is made up of extracted gusher gasoline. We dig to find piles of gushers in the ground, extract the juice, and refine it into fuel.

Image result for gushers